Friday 05/10/2024 #51 Seven Acts Worth of Structure #2
This is another repeat prompt, dealing with structure this time. I see writers in various forums talking about churning out 170,000 word drafts. These are touch typists I assume,. or fans of speech to text apps, and an admirable accomplishment. But then I often hear them complaining that the plot is stuck, or characters are messed up, or they just can't figure out an ending. I call these 'pantsers', that write by the seat of their pants. The opposite are 'plotters', that start with an idea, then add a story, then a plot, characters, setting, scenes, designing down from the general to complex, with varying degrees of rigidness and control before they actually start writing. So, less quantity, but more initial quality - meaning it's easier to steer while writing and easier to edit when done. I tend toward the latter, more of a 'plotter'. Partially because my typing is still a 'hunt and peck' style, so I use the keys carefully.
There are many variations on structure - see this article by Chuck Wendig. For this challenge, try your hand at writing within a seven 'act' structure. Some are more Turning Points than a collection of scenes, but you get it - a structure of seven 'things', to define a plot that can tell your story effectively.
- The Hook - current state of affairs, short and simple, enough to interest the reader. Is in contrast to situation at the end.
- Plot Point 1 - inciting incident upsets the status quo, hero accepts the challenge and begins adventure.
- Pinch Point 1 - character first battles with source of conflict, and the antagonist, simple solutions seem ok.
- Midpoint - solutions had been flawed and reactive, has a false victory (gain and loss), hero now knows goal and is proactive.
- Pinch point 2 - major setback, all is failing, lowest point.
- Plot point 2 - discover solution needed to resolve conflict and defeat antagonist, take a big step.
- Resolution - proper solution, conflict resolved, enemies finally defeated. Or not.
Due next Friday, or another Friday. Leave a link to your story in the comments.