Friday 19/07/2019 #30 Birthday Wish
Friday 02/08/2019 #32 Some Furious Adjectives

Friday 26/07/2019 #31 Hot Enough For You?

Africa sun It's been hot in Ottawa, it's hot here in Toronto, it's hot in much of the world. Or there are torrential rains, high winds, droughts - all the extremes we get with global warming. At least here in Southern Ontario we get some relief as that Polar Vortex thingy dips down. 

So that's  the prompt this week - heat. Heat in random a location, with a random object. I thought I'd just re-use a table from a prompt from last January, because even if you get the same two as before, now there's the added idea of heat. Lots of it. So, roll the dice, pour yourself a cold drink, and write 1000 words max, by next Friday, August 2nd. 


  Location Thing
1 Awards dinner Press-on nails
2 Dark lake Onion rings
3 Car wash Remote controlled drone
4 Parking garage Box of animal crackers
5 Village plaza Plastic fork
6 Quiet suburb Folded sheet of paper

Image from here.



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Joyce Juzwik

Mine quickly popped in my head, so I went with it. It's called It's Gonna Be A Really Bad Day.


I did my random spins today, and got exactly what I had back in January - a quiet suburb and animal crackers.
So I spun again, and got a parking garage and onion rings. Much better. I have an idea outlined already.


Still took me too long to write this, in spite of lots of quiet time in Toronto. But here it is. The Chase

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