Friday 12/07/2019 #29 Midnight Madness
This week's prompt will be from a contest I've entered, the NYCMidnight Flash Fiction Challenge. At midnight tonight each group will be given a random genre, location, and object. Winners advance to the next challenges in September and then November, with the finals in December. We have 48 hours to write 1000 words max, so quite doable but still a challenge. There is feedback from the judges on every entry, plus a forum for feedback from your peers, plus cash and book deal prizes. 1000 words max. Deadline for me is Sunday midnight, you get until noon, Friday, July 19th.
I'll add my genre/location/object after I get them, so you can join in too.
Edit: Genre is Mystery; Location for the story is a Surveillance Vehicle; Object to include is a Helmet.
Here's my story, It was done by 5 on Sunday, but I had to wait for the official acknowledgement before posting it online.
Posted by: Ravens | 18/07/2019 at 11:50 AM
Here's mine. It's called The Mystery.
Posted by: Joyce Juzwik | 19/07/2019 at 08:44 AM