Friday 31/05/19 #23 -All Hail Juno, Goddess of Marriage
Friday 14/06/19 #25 -Dumpster Diving

Friday 07/06/19 #24 -Random Place

World map Are you planning a summer vacation? Wondering where to go? Try using Random Street View.  And, before you book tickets, do a screen grab or save the link, then write a 1000 word story on what view you get. Granted, you're more likely to be on a country road than a city street, but be creative. Click and drag to look behind you. What just happened? What might happen? Due noonish, by Friday, June 14th. 

Image from here on Flickr. 


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Joyce Juzwik

Here's mine. It's called The Road Ahead.


Here's my story for this week. Almost at noon. It's called Walk on the Wild Side.

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