Friday 10/05/19 #20 -Quirky Phrases
I did a challenge like this a few years ago, with some phrases like An Ancient Curse, and A Half-burned Notebook. This is a variation, using phrases from a list of odd adjective-noun combinations . I'll give you 9, pick three at random for your story. Feel free to make it a little weird too - you know you want to. 1000 words, due noonish EDT Friday, May 17th.
Picture from here.
Number | Phrase |
1 | approachable bunny |
2 | creepy train |
3 | sympathetic mobster |
4 | crest-fallen bear |
5 | blind demon |
6 | crabby corpse |
7 | sensual dinosaur |
8 | exceptional banjo |
9 | absent-minded surgeon |
Here's mine. It's called Reserved Seating. What great fun this was!
Posted by: Joyce Juzwik | 16/05/2019 at 07:40 PM
Well, definitely noon 'ish' but here's mine.
Posted by: Ravens | 17/05/2019 at 03:19 PM