Friday 03/05/19 #19 -Random Setting
Friday 17/05/19 #21 -The Two-four Weekend

Friday 10/05/19 #20 -Quirky Phrases

Clown I did a challenge like this a few years ago, with some phrases like An Ancient Curse, and A Half-burned Notebook. This is a variation, using phrases from a list of odd adjective-noun combinations .  I'll give you 9, pick three at random for your story. Feel free to make it a little weird too - you know you want to.  1000 words, due noonish EDT Friday, May 17th. 

Picture from here.

Number     Phrase
1  approachable bunny    
2  creepy train
3  sympathetic mobster
4  crest-fallen bear
5  blind demon
6  crabby corpse
7  sensual dinosaur
8  exceptional banjo
9  absent-minded surgeon



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Joyce Juzwik

Here's mine. It's called Reserved Seating. What great fun this was!


Well, definitely noon 'ish' but here's mine.

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