Friday 15/02/19 - Testing Your Character
Life often sends us challenges that test our character, and patience. I've found that in writing, if I have a character I can't seem to flesh out enough, it can help to throw something at them, to test them and see how they cope with it. Such as a job loss, a new child, a twisted ankle, or a blizzard.
Here in Eastern Ontario, and in many other parts of North America, we have been experiencing a Snowmaggedon. Or several of them. Extreme weather seems to be a symptom of Global Warming, so if it isn't a heat wave, it's a blizzard. Maybe some locusts too. So, challenge a character with a blizzard, with reezing temperatures and high winds driving the snow into a whiteout.
1000 words, due next Friday, the 22nd. Have fun, and stay warm. Photo is from here.
Here's A Knock On The Door.
Posted by: Joyce Juzwik | 21/02/2019 at 09:58 PM
Here's my story, A Cold Choice.
Posted by: Ravens | 22/02/2019 at 09:52 AM
I wasn't really planning to do it this week but it just kinda happened.
Posted by: Ginger | 22/02/2019 at 10:08 AM